You might not have heard the name Dylan Mulvaney, but your children might have. This 25-year-old social media influencer has 8.4 million followers on TikTok, and is currently documenting a transition to “girlhood”.
On “Day 222 of being a girl”, Mulvaney interviewed Joe Biden. Transgender-identification seemingly invokes privilege that mere muggles can only dream about, but that is not my point. Mulvaney is on a mission.
The egregious patter is self-absorbed rather than self-aware, but one focus is “trans kids”. In Mulvaney’s words: “I’m ready to step up and show that trans people are not going anywhere and that trans kids deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves.”
On this side of the Atlantic, NHS England takes a rather different view to Mulvaney. Instead of encouraging transition, medics in England are now told to take a “watchful approach” to see how a young person’s conditions develop. Quite right. Yet Biden chooses to listen to a TikTok video-maker who on “Day 74 of being a girl” dressed in tight, revealing shorts and announced that “women can have bulges and that’s okay”.
The 79-year-old US President appears to have been captured. On camera, he told Mulvaney: “I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to [ban gender affirming healthcare].” He added, “You should have every single solitary right including the use of your gender identity bathrooms.”
In the real world — that is, not TikTok — he presumably means that single-sex facilities should be provided not according to biological sex, but to so-called gender identity. Those defending the rights of women and the safeguarding of children are on the back foot in the United States when the President dismisses any concern with statements such as “People fear what they don’t know.”
Well, Mr Biden, I and many others do know. If you weaken safeguarding measures, then you will attract those on the lookout for safeguarding weaknesses. That stands to reason. The problem seems to be that Biden does not know any of this.
Those of us in the UK must not dismiss this as mere foreign news, something for the ‘only in America’ file. The UK-US free trade agreement that we heard so much about post-Brexit is still under negotiation. With deals come concessions. The Good Friday Agreement is one area where America seeks to influence UK policy, but could trans rights be another? The US-Canada-Mexico trade deal named gender identity as a protected characteristic. That was inserted by Canada rather than the Trump administration but it exemplifies the issue. If the UK wants trade deals, will NHS England first need to reconsider its line on the medication of children who identify as transgender?
But TikTok already transcends our borders. If, like me, you are a middle-aged parent, then maybe you should find out if your children are being influenced by the same characters who are influencing Joe Biden.
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SubscribeBeing worried that a sixteen stone (220lb) uncut trans bloke is sharing the changing rooms at the local swimming pool with your twelve year old daughter/granddaughter/niece doesn’t make you “transphobic”; it just means you are a rational human being.
As for Biden- well, that’s one way to lose an election, one supposes.
something odd about Biden and teen girls already taints his image – adding this seems to be a very bad idea on the part of his handlers.
Just to illustrate the writer’s point about “attracting those on the lookout for safeguarding weaknesses” and your own concern about single sex changing rooms: a news story hot off the press about a sex offender hanging around a school dressed as a schoolgirl.
That article is irrelevant. That man was not a trans woman. That man was not claiming to be a trans woman. That man was not even asking to be allowed into women’s spaces. Please stop associating people who just want to live as the gender they feel inside with sick sex offenders. They are not the same. They do not behave the same.
I think you must not have read the comment above and just clicked on the link. Ian clearly pointed out that this relates to the need to safeguard weaknesses; that this is exactly the space that sex offenders will look to exploit.
Or maybe you are just so triggered that you cannot read any nuance in a comment. Either way your response missed the mark IMHO.
“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
Didn’t know this quote, bet it very apt indeed.
Spot on! Many thanks
We all know President Biden is clueless. The important element of Debbie Hayton’s article is contained in the penultimate paragraph where reference is made to the Mexico-US-Canada trade deal incorporating a gender affirming provision, which should, of course have no place in a Trade treaty.
Recently I became curious as to exactly what the EU’s Rule of Law dispute with Hungary was. It was quite difficult to discover anything. However this is a brief extract from an EU official website which I presume is an accurate summary from their point of view:
“On 15 June 2021, the Hungarian Law purportedly aiming at taking stricter action against paedophile offenders and amending certain laws to protect children was adopted. Some of the new provisions target and limit the access of minors to content and advertisements that “promotes or portrays” the so-called “divergence from self-identity corresponding to sex at birth, sex change or homosexuality”.
By relying on those categories, the Law lays down restrictive rules affecting specifically electronic commerce services and information society services, educational activities, classification of audiovisual content and audiovisual advertising;”
I suspect many in the UK and not just on the right or far right would welcome stricter laws against paedophiles and provisions to limit access of minors to contents and adverts promoting trans ideology on the internet targeting children with imagined sex dysphoria so they can be encouraged by activists to bypass sensible medical and psychiatric advice. No wonder the EU wants to claim it is about rule of law that all sane people want to support rather than that they want Hungary to be kinder to paedophiles and ban the encouragement for the young to be persuaded to take puberty blockers and undergo surgery if they feel they are in the wrong body. It sounds like the sort of policy that would gain widespread support among ordinary Europeans. I can see a freedom of speech argument against such a ban but freedom of speech is nowhere absolute and if a nation wishes to agree to exclude propaganda detrimental to vulnerable young people why should the EU consider this is something they wish to strike down through threats of withholding funds to which Hungary would otherwise be entitled. This EU activity seems to me to be far more sinister than the behaviour of Hungary in this instance, whatever one might think of Orban’s policies in general.
The imposition of unwanted trans ideology through trade treaty seems entirely possible.
Jeremy, thank you for bothering to do your own research on Hungary. So many people don’t. They hear “Hungary doesn’t respect the rule of law” and tune out. Then when the Western press says “Hungary is a fascist dictatorship without free elections”, they nod their heads and say “oh, yeah, I heard the EU is mad about that.”
The actual source of the disagreement is pretty remarkable: kids shouldn’t have access to sexual material. And for that, the EU is holding up their COVID money.
That surprised me too. I’ve often wondered if LGBQT rights will be used as the pretext for Western nations to wage future wars against other countries. If so, this will firmly put the West on the side of evil. It disturbs me greatly that this grooming ideology is being wrangled into trade treaties. What is this all about? Transgenders make up less than 1% of the population yet Western governments seem all too eager to break the world in order to spread this gender ideology. Moreover, this movement seems to be guided by pagan principles rather than logical ones.
It is hardly surprising that the vast majority of Western citizens are losing confidence in our political systems. Our elected representatives spend most of their time in their own little mad fairy-tale, freak-show, world, in a toxic and insane babble with people like this, other politicians, and Greta Thunberg.
That informs their understanding of reality. They probably think that the Christmas Tree fairy is real, Twitter is the Evening News and they are trying to put their kids on the waiting list for Hogwarts School.
Seriously, does anyone think that we would be anything other than much better off without this ludicrous chimps’ tea party of overpaid, self-regarding fools? Bring on electronic mini referenda for all political decisions.
Yes, it’s Decadence-R-Us
Which one’s the woman? The one on the left, the one on the right, or the old geezer with the grey hair and his back to us?
Oh. And what is a woman now? Has it changed in the last few days or are we still using last week’s definition by Sir Kneeler of ” I don’t really want to get involved in that discussion”?
Did you note the body-posture of the one on the right? I think she is a woman.
A bit of a lean away, methinks
If the caption under the photo uses “(L)” to mean left then the ‘lady’ in the light blue trousers is the trans-person.
I’d say the lady on the left with the Micheal Jackson make-up is the trans woman
the sort who would tear up your old telephone directories?
Last week Biden expressed support for children to be groomed and mutilated by adults, with the ‘apparent’ consent of the children involved. Apparent because many of these kids are being misled by the ‘affirmation cult’ to make decisions they don’t understand.
Maybe next week a paedophile group will meet with Biden to get his approval for children to have sex with adults, with the ‘apparent’ consent of the children involved.
Democrats either do not understand safeguarding rules and the nature of consent in relation to children or they’re happy to see children sacrificed on their ideological altar.
I’ve seen some of Mulvaneys videos, they’re ridiculous beyond words. How Biden can take this person seriously beggars belief.
Obama was interviewed by a woman in a bathtub full of cereal. Biden was his Vice President.
It seems highly unlikely that Mulvaney actually believes himself to be a woman. I suspect that he started his ‘transition’ purely as performance: he’s an actor and singer, but his career up to then had been, to put it mildly, less than spectacular. As a gay actor in Los Angeles, he was unnoticeable; as a fashionable ‘trans-woman’, it’s much easier to grab the public eye. And to be fair, his videos are sometimes quite amusing, particularly those where his schtick is exaggerating feminine stereotypes for deliberately comic effect – a sort of over-the-top camp:
Do we think Joe Biden even knew he was talking to a man dressed as a woman? He’s nearly 80, and it’s unclear whether he understands what “women can have pen*ses” and “men can get pregnant” actually mean. My 72 year old mother refuses to accept that Amy on Jeopardy wasn’t a woman.
I think President Biden believed he was talking someone with all female parts.
Actually, there’s an easy way to know for sure what he thought: did he smell Mulvaney’s hair?
What makes me angry is that the force-teaming of the T onto the LGB was done as a deliberate strategy to gain greater acceptance for the T. LGB is a sexual orientation based on the material reality of sex but the T, so-called gender identity, is an invention based on an ideology w/ no material reality that reifies old stereotypes. And T supplants women’s rights and LGB rights, and insists on stupid pronouns, and promotes the hormonal and surgical mutilation of young people –LGB equality required none of that. LGB people wanted to integrate into society but T wants to deconstruct it. But LGBs are being taken down w/ the T even though most LGBs want nothing to do w/ them.
I thought that LBGT was a car? with a queer lever, like that truck the Diesel d**e? Well, there was a Pontiac TransAm? .. or maybe I’m out of touch..
If that’s the hill they want to die on, bring more ammo.
Joe Biden’s mind is not up to snuff. After 50 years as a blow-with-the-wind politician, he’s bereft of deep thinking or any sort of strategic vision. He does what his handlers tell him to do.
I suppose we should be thankful that Joe Biden isn’t listening to Homer Simpson or The Muppets. For now.
not Homer Sexual?
In Mulvaney’s words: “I’m ready to step up and show that trans people are not going anywhere and that trans kids deserve a fighting chance to be their true selves.”
“The sexed soul”. “An inner core of feelings”. “Their true selves”.
These are all manifestations of something that exists inside the body, in other words, the body acts as some kind of suit within which this entity resides.
Such is the Gnostic faith of Expressive Individualism.
Didn’t “The Guardian” once have a kind of punchline about “I’m Vince Cable and I used to be a serious politician”? It sounds like it needs to be updated for the 2020s.
Other than the large white Pooka that only Joe can see, does anybody really influence Biden?
Not the Pooka, that has long since gotten bored and wondered off – I think he listens to Screwtape now days. Did you see the dark speech he gave with the demonic red lighting?
“Well, Mr Biden, I and many others do know. If you weaken safeguarding measures, then you will attract those on the lookout for safeguarding weaknesses. That stands to reason. The problem seems to be that Biden does not know any of this.”
Well there’s enough video evidence of ‘creepy’ Joe disrespecting the personal space of young women and girls to indicate that he might actually constitute such a threat.
Transexuals shouldn’t be respected. They are mentally depraved individuals who have found enablers within the radical SJW Woke cult to use them as sacrificial lambs as a means to indoctrinate and inculcate young children at an early age. This is designed to generate acceptance and maturate degeneracy and deviancy in the minds of children so that these kinds of ideas and thoughts are meant to illicit when asked, if they are gender confused or transexual they will say yes. Peer pressure being what it is, it’s a kind of go-along-to-get-along group acceptance conditioning that is now pervasive in K-12 education.
If you’re an adult with these kinds of mentally degenerate thoughts, that’s on you, but do not spread it to children to recruit into your cult because you need them to continue the cult. That’s how this works, from homosexuality to transgenderism. They need an ever-growing recruitment drive to swell their numbers to maintain a power base and existence. Otherwise, what are they? In fact, the LGB community now is dropping the T portion of their alphabet. Why? We all know why. Because even the debased idea that men aren’t men, women aren’t women, and men can get pregnant is utterly unsustainable in a world of rational reality. Not the alternative reality that Trans activists live in with their enablers having political influence.
Even gay men say they are men, Lesbians say they are women. Bi-sexuals acknowledge their specific biological gender. The trans and their 93 various gender cohorts have no place in their club anymore. They’ve had it like the rest of the heterosexuals have had it. Transgenders now bring ridiculous arguments to the table about the removal of various biological realities to the point that things like drag shows should be appropriate for children to witness with their rodeo clown performances to show children what? That this is the life they should dare to live?
Conservatives for decades have been saying this is the slippery slope. When Lawrence v. Texas was struck down, we all saw what was coming. Now we are here and ridiculous pretend presidents like Biden and his other radical Marxist intersectional SJW Woke cohorts are caving into the demands of the trans movement to infiltrate the fabric of society. No one asked for this and once again the deviants and degenerates are shoving their garbage and mentally sick ideas down everyone’s throat. Don’t accept it, well you’re a phobe of some kind and then you must fight that back. When are people going to stand up to this tripe and stop it from corporate HR all the way down to children in our schools? This is grooming. We all know it and see it. What else do you call it and not just of children, but of adults as well? Groomed to accept something that should be repelled en masse at every turn without reservation or hesitation.
The trans-stremists wouldn’t get anywhere if they weren’t support by academy, government, corporation and NGO. Why are they all so keen?
ahh Diddl Molroney,…on Tik- Tak…
Biden said that he loved the LBGT with the 7 litre engine..
Ah yes, but is it electric because we all know that he thinks gas and electric are the same thing if he reads it off a teleprompter.