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Gerald gwarcuri
Gerald gwarcuri
4 years ago

Jordan Peterson has a lot to say about the inevitability and value of hierarchies. Unfortunately, many in the West have abused the ideal of equality to further only their own perceived self-interests, or that of their preferred identity groups. This is the pathway to conflict and chaos.

That being said, the “hierarchies” in totalitarian states such as China, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba inhibit and repress liberty in the name of equality. This also leads ineluctably to conflict and chaos.

David George
David George
4 years ago

Yes Gerald, the same things better said by Jordan Peterson in this clip.

Fraser Bailey
Fraser Bailey
4 years ago

Well I guess we can learn to how to deliberately send faulty healthcare equipment to Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, as seems to have happened. And to deprive other countries of all available medical supplies, as also seems to have happened. (I note that the BBC and the wider MSM is not covering this).

I find this to be a pretty disgusting headline at this point in time. China is like Nazi Germany times 20. I have no doubt that some of our politicians, authorities and media organisations have identified a few things that they can usefully learn from the Chinese, but there is nothing that anybody possessed of any morality can possibly learn from them.

4 years ago

Too many people putting the boot in on China, as if all the problems facing the West can be laid at the Chinese door. China offers us the ‘ Belt and Road ‘ initiative which would include China, Russian zFederation, India, Iran , Italy and a few others. Now if that was to get up a head of steam the dollar ( and the Pound ) would expire and the American Empire would be finished. BRING IT ON .

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