December 26, 2019 - 7:00am

Christmas day saw the usual assortment of Christmas messages from world leaders, celebrities and wannabes. Here’s our selection of ten, from the interesting to the downright bizarre…

1. The Queen on healing divisions (no mention of the B word)


2. Boris Johnson – “Merry Little Christmas”


3. Rory Stewart – thoughts to people who are alone


4.  Donald and Melania Trump go Christian


5. The Pope – urbi et orbi


6. Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood –  “kill them with kindness”


7. Nicola Sturgeon – spread some cheer this Christmas


8. Ed Davey – “Let’s love all our neighbours, even those who believe in unicorns…”


9. Justin Trudeau: “Take care of each other this Christmas”


10. Barnaby Joyce (Australian Labor leader) – “there’s a higher authority up there in the sky…”