August 5, 2024 - 5:00pm

→ Vivek Ramaswamy defends America’s weirdness

The land of the free and the home of the… weird? This seems to be tech entrepreneur and unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy’s new motto.

In an intriguing piece for The Free Press, Ramaswamy defends the “weirdness” that has made America and its people so great. Of the Founding Fathers, he writes: “They were weird. Often the ones who said the weirdest things adopted some of the weirdest viewpoints by the standards of their day.”

Ramaswamy goes on to note that John Adams was an abolitionist when slavery was the norm and a self-taught Hindu scholar. Thomas Jefferson was fluent in four languages, wrote 19,000 letters by hand, and invented prototypes of the polygraph and the swivel chair. Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod, bifocal spectacles, and founded hospitals.

“People like [John] Adams made our nation a magnet for minds that were as courageous and bizarre as their own,” wrote Rawaswamy. Make America weird again?

→ NYT frets about Ukraine’s dating scene

Spare a thought for Ukraine’s single women. According to a new piece in the New York Times, war has “shattered” the dating scene for women in Ukraine.

The NYT details the story of a lovelorn Ukrainian woman named Kateryna Bairachna. “Ms. Bairachna met a soldier, but then he was sent to the front,” it reads. “She traded text messages with another man, but those fizzled out because he was in no mood to meet, fearing he might soon be drafted. On the dating app Bumble, Ms. Bairachna liked the looks of a hipster. But when she scrolled through his photographs, she noticed his amputated leg.” How good of the NYT to share stories about the real victims of this war…

→ Intel CEO reads his last rites

How do you know the markets are having a bad day? The CEO of Intel starts praying.

Today, Pat Gelsinger tweeted: “‘Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways’ Proverbs 4:25-26”.

Gelsinger’s biblical quote comes after a continuation of last week’s massive tech sell-off as investors start to doubt the so-called AI revolution that tech companies have promised. There are now fears of a US recession as Japan’s Nikkei tanked by more than 12% in its biggest single fall since the Black Monday crash of 1987.

The tech sell-off was further demonstrated today when Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway sold off a large chunk of its Apple shares and increased its cash reserves to $227 billion. Forget AI, it’s time to start selling bibles…