June 25, 2024 - 7:00pm

→ Kemi Badenoch spars with David Tennant

It’s impossible to escape the election — even at the British LGBT Awards ceremony. In an acceptance speech, the actor David Tennant said that his LGBT allyship was “just common sense”. He added that “until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist any more [applause], I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish for her to shut up.” The Equalities Minister responded forcefully online, saying “I will not shut up” before dismissing Tennant as a “rich, lefty, white male celebrity”.

Many have come out to support Badenoch, yet she has also faced some unlikely criticism — from the Right. GB News’s Steven Edginton pointed out that “the most ‘right wing conservative’ minister in parliament uses ‘white male’ as a pejorative. Disgusting.” Perhaps it’s not just Tennant who’s playing identity politics…

→ NY Magazine columnist blames George Floyd’s death on Trump

The death of George Floyd in police custody, as well as the ensuing riots and surge in violent crime, can all be blamed on Donald Trump, according to New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait.

Trump’s pro-police commentary emboldened officers to abuse Americans with impunity, leading directly to Floyd’s death, according to the article. “The crisis could have been averted if we simply had a different guy in the Oval Office”, Chait wrote, though he conceded that “it’s impossible to prove that Derek Chauvin would not have killed George Floyd in a hypothetical world in which Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election.”

The crux of the story is that law-and-order conservatives should vote for Biden this November. This is a rallying cry we’re also hearing from liberals who view Trump’s criminal prosecution in New York as an even-handed — and damning — application of the law. Trump, for his part, is obviously relishing his outlaw image.

→ Raw Egg Nationalist responds to online doxxing

Is the golden age of Right-wing internet anons coming to an end? The campaign group HOPE not hate has revealed that the pseudonymous Raw Egg Nationalist bodybuilder account is in fact run by an English academic called Charles Cornish-Dale who lives with his mother.

The doxxing, which follows that of Bronze Age Pervert (Costin Vlad Alamariu) and Lomez (former University of California, Irvine lecturer Jonathan Keeperman), is a sure sign that political opponents of these accounts are on the warpath. HOPE not hate also exposed that Cornish-Dale’s books had been sold by a publishing company which sells volumes of Hitler’s speeches and a novel by Joseph Goebbels.

Trying to defend himself, Raw Egg Nationalist reposted a tweet reading: “Pay attention to everyone attacking Trump, doxxing anons, and punching right during an election year.” The anonymity might be gone, but no doubt the books will still be selling…