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Pete Kreff
Pete Kreff
3 years ago

Re the photo at the top: if the sniffer dogs are clones, can they tell each other apart by smell?

George Lake
George Lake
3 years ago
Reply to  Pete Kreff

Good question!

Gerald gwarcuri
Gerald gwarcuri
3 years ago
Reply to  Pete Kreff

A related, but far more troubling question concerns the cloning of human beings. Ethicists have tried to grapple with the question of whether cloned humans would have soul. For many ethicists the question is moot. They simply don’t believe that humans have a unique transcendental element to their being. But we are a unique species, and what exactly constitutes our uniqueness as individual examples of that species will be one question which will inevitably arise should we ever go down this path.

Douglas Redmayne
Douglas Redmayne
3 years ago

Brexit Britain will be in a good position to capitalise on this new emerging technology. It also isnt going to be rich enough to have the luxury of being able to have the sort of hand wringing dreary moral qualms about it that wealthier countries may have.

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