Tactical voting is an unavoidable fact of the first-past-the-post system. But how would Britons vote if they had no reason to be tactical? One of the key takeaways from a new YouGov poll is that Brits don’t care all that much for Labour — only that they really don’t like the Tories. If tactical voting weren’t necessary, support for Sir Keir Starmer’s party would fall by eight points to 29%. This suggests that Labour’s looming victory is reliant on an informal coalition to get the Tories out.

Among the challenger parties, support for the Greens actually rises by six points to 13% without tactical voting, whereas Reform remains at 16% and the Lib Dems fall by two points to 12%. So where does that leave poor old Rishi Sunak? Riding high on 18%, with a fall of two points. At least he’s ahead of Nigel Farage: small victories…