Lee Cain, Tory strategist:

A Carthaginian defeat is coming

May 22, 2024
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As news breaks of a British general election, Former Director of Communications at 10 Downing Street Lee Cain and Political Editor of UnHerd Tom McTague join Freddie Sayers for an emergency roundtable.

Watch the full interview above.


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Citizen Diversity
Citizen Diversity
3 months ago

Will Mr Starmer start every speech with a thunderous, “The Tory Party must be destroyed!”?
At least Carthage was different from Rome.

David Holmes
David Holmes
3 months ago

“One of the great things he [Boris] did was deliver a lockdown and save a huge amount of lives”. Deluded cretin! At this point I stopped listening. The sooner the Tories are utterly annihilated the better.

Tom K
Tom K
3 months ago

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Lee shares the bien pensant consensus that lockdowns were good, in the face of all the evidence. The man’s credibility is utterly shot.

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3 months ago

No great insight at all.