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California passes deceptive trans policy in schools

Trans rights protestors in California last year. Credit: Getty

July 17, 2024 - 1:30pm

On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1955 into law. The so-called “Safety Act” is the first in America that prevents schools from adopting any policy that would require teachers and staff to inform parents when their child wants to be referred to and treated as a member of the opposite sex or as “non-binary”.

Schools in the state were already performing secret social transitions of students in large part because of guidance from the California Department of Education that advises schools to hide this information from parents. AB 1955 is an attempt to codify these practices, empowering gender activists against their local critics.

California’s schools are going to extreme lengths to maintain this secrecy from parents. The Golden State’s Roseville Unified School District, for example, has a gender policy that assigns parents a score between 1-10 depending on how “supportive” they are predicted to be of their child’s transgender identity. A low score presumably means that the parents aren’t to be trusted with that sacred knowledge. And, of course, parents have no due process right to contest or even be made aware of the score they are assigned.

Governor Newsom has acknowledged that parents have a right to review student records, but he conveniently didn’t mention that he meant only the official records. Lawyers advising districts such as Roseville instruct schools to create separate, unofficial records for the students with “gender identities” to avoid parental detection — even when the parents employ their legal rights to obtain their student’s records.

Progressive activists frame secret gender transition policies as a simple matter of protecting student privacy and, by extension, safety against “abusive” parents. But the argument about privacy only makes sense if one subscribes to the dubious philosophical anthropology of the “transgender child”. That is, only if one assumes that some kids simply “are” trans, rather than seeing transition as a coping mechanism for underlying mental health issues, neurocognitive challenges, social adjustment problems, internalised homophobia, or identity confusion. AB 1955’s framing of these struggles, as a matter of “authentic” personal identity to be kept from parents in the name of privacy, is pointless or worse.

The Cass Review in the UK found an “absence of robust evidence of the benefits or harms of social transition for children and adolescents”, based on a systematic review of research in the area. The review also acknowledged that social transition may interfere with the natural resolution of gender dysphoria in children, and concluded that it should be thought of as an “active intervention because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning and longer-term outcomes”.

As if anticipating the new California law, the review emphasised the need for “clinical involvement in the decision-making process” when considering the social transition of children, adding that “this is not a role that can be taken by staff without appropriate clinical training.” Critically, “outcomes [of social transition] for children and adolescents are best if they are in a supportive relationship with their family. For this reason parents should be actively involved in decision-making unless there are strong grounds to believe that this may put the child or young person at risk.”

The last qualification about abuse is critical in US debates over social transition in schools. Al Muratsuchi, a state Democrat and supporter of AB 1955, asserted without qualification or evidence that parents who learn of their child’s gender identity struggles beat them.

But Democrats are trying to make the exception swallow the rule, and they’re doing so by redefining “abuse” to include not “affirming” a child’s “gender identity”. For AB 1955’s framers, parents who refuse to refer to their daughter as their son are akin to parents who would physically assault their children if they came home with a C in maths.

This is absurd, offensive, contrary to evidence and medical science, and a dangerous path for education policymakers to go down. If there are compelling indications that parents will be abusive in the true meaning of the word, states already have laws and schools have policies to deal with these unfortunate situations.

Progressive leaders in California have grossly underestimated the public’s opposition to secrecy in schools. According to Rasmussen Reports, only 12% of Californians oppose parental notifications. A SPRY poll conducted in the liberal strongholds of the Bay Area and Los Angeles by a feminist group found that 72% of Californians support policies requiring schools to notify parents if their child identifies as transgender in school.

There is, in short, a large and growing gap between Democratic lawmakers and blue-state voters on issues concerning youth and gender. On Tuesday, Elon Musk said that AB 1955 was “the final straw” in California’s repeated “attack[s]” on parental rights, and declared that “SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.”

It is disturbing to see America’s supposed progressives turn their backs so forcefully on an emerging scientific consensus just because they lack the courage to stand up to powerful interest groups in their coalition. Perhaps a loss of tax revenue will persuade them.

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Alex Lekas
Alex Lekas
1 month ago

Imagine drugging and sterilizing children while pretending you’re the good guy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Alex Lekas

Worse still, imagine stopping your emergent gay son/daughter by psychological manipulation (including explicit homophobia) AND drugging/mutilating them.
Much of this strident drive for trans exceptionalism seems rather regressive to me.
But then I’m just an old fart who doesn’t give a flying fcuk about race/sexuality/religion/whatever and judges people on the content of their character.

Brad Sealand
Brad Sealand
1 month ago

This is exactly what happens when an academic bureaucracy becomes entrenched and subsequently feels threatened. Proponents of the transgender “rights” of minors, suddenly finding themselves on the defensive, rush to secure their positions by enacting and enforcing legal policies while they still have the power to do so, irrespective of overwhelming public disapproval. The enormously sad aspect of this process is that adults are using children — children! — as tools to maintain their power and influence. It’s hard to imagine anything more sickening.

Lindsay S
Lindsay S
1 month ago
Reply to  Brad Sealand

Sounds like exploitation to me! Child exploitation! there are laws against that!

Hugh Jarse
Hugh Jarse
1 month ago
Reply to  Lindsay S

Actually, this new law is for child exploitation. Or maybe you’re being ironic….?

Jim Veenbaas
Jim Veenbaas
1 month ago

On what planet do people think it’s okay for the state to withhold information about your own children? In an age of batshit crazy govt overreach, this is the batshit craziest. We have went from the state telling us to give Covid vaccines to our healthy children, to the state unilaterally vaccinating those children and not even bothering to tell us. THE STATE DOES NOT LOVE YOUR CHILDREN.

Philip Hanna
Philip Hanna
1 month ago
Reply to  Jim Veenbaas

I wish I could confidently say that this is the batshit craziest, but I fear we aren’t even close yet.

John Tyler
John Tyler
1 month ago

Ah! But our progressive, liberal elite knows best in all things. We shouldn’t worry about the views of the majority – they’re just ignorant, bigoted dumb-asses.

John Kanefsky
John Kanefsky
1 month ago

Those whom the gods wish to destroy,…

UnHerd Reader
UnHerd Reader
1 month ago

I taught high school for 30 years, and I would have had a difficult time not informing the parents about their child’s mental health issue. The district that rated parents’ potential reaction to the news that their child was trans cracked me up. The last eight years of my career I taught seniors, and I knew virtually none of the parents. A call from me about their kid’s failing grade was answered with a grunt and the click of a hang up. But years ago, I taught freshman honors and Advanced Placement. I got to know many of the parents, and 95 percent of them were very nice and concerned about their child’s progress. The rest of the parents? I didn’t know. That nice parent might be potentially violent. That parent I didn’t know might have reacted with love. The point is: rating the parents is a waste of time. Regardless, I would have taken the chance and let the parents know. This is about the mental health of their kid. Most parents don’t physically abuse their children, and that’s important to remember.

Samantha Stevens
Samantha Stevens
1 month ago

There is no such thing as a trans child.

Studio Largo
Studio Largo
1 month ago

Or adult.

Fafa Fafa
Fafa Fafa
1 month ago

It is the weather, I’m telling y’all. Specifically, the weather in that narrow strip along the coast. Pleasant winters. Pleasant summers. No bugs. Amazing sunsets. Tropicalismo. I have sold my soul a long time ago. I swim among the mass of liberals here like a quiet red Garibaldi in the underwater blue of the kelp forest.

1 month ago

This is a naïve question, but why is the Left so opposed to freedom of belief and expression? Surely it has not always been thus? I thought California was the largely founded by anti-establishment hippies, who wanted to live how they chose, free from the moral strictures of government.

Many of those hippies will be grandparents now; I wonder what they make of this new authoritarianism?

Matt Sylvestre
Matt Sylvestre
1 month ago
Reply to  A J

Perhaps it was then about being radical and activist first and the cause is just a medium to channel that urge. Certain personality types seem to gravitate to a need to be part of something, some “change”, what change and why, doesn’t really matter… Never trust any “activist” that isn’t a reluctant “activist”…